Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Review of the SteriPEN Traveler

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AppId is over the quota

Travelers to developing world areas often don't have access to potable tap water. As a result, many travelers purchase bottled water, a cost that can quickly add up over the course of a trip. There are other options, however, including chlorine tablets, iodine drops, and good old fashioned boiling. My preferred method of water treatment, though, is UV light treatment. SteriPEN makes a variety of handheld UV light treatment devices and after using several, I've come to rely on the SteriPEN Traveler for my water treatment needs.

The SteriPEN Traveler uses UV light to render the DNA of bacteria and viruses, inactive. It takes approximately 45 seconds for the device to treat a half liter of water. All you need to do is place the light wand in the water you want to treat, hit the button, and gently stir the water as the UV light does its work. When the solid green light comes on, the water has been treated and it is safe to drink.

The SteriPEN Traveler is lightweight and highly portable. It easily fits into my daypack and it only takes 4 AA batteries. I use rechargeable NiMH batteries and each charge is good for roughly 200 treatments. The device also comes with a plastic cap which protects the UV wand when you are not using it. I have traveled throughout West Africa with the SteriPEN Traveler and it has consistently performed in a variety of environments.

One thing to keep in mind when using this device: make sure to filter the water before using the UV light. As is the case for most treatment options, the SteriPEN Traveler is ineffective when it comes to treating cloudy water that contains suspended particles. You can buy a water filter or you can use a coffee filter for a more low-tech solution. If you're really in a bind, you can even use a t-shirt.

The light wand on the SteriPEN Traveler is somewhat fragile and there have been several occasions where I almost broke it. Be careful when using the device and make sure to always put the plastic cap on when you are not using it. This may be the biggest complaint by SteriPEN customers, but if you take the proper precautions and use the device carefully, you won't have anything to worry about.

There are many different ways to treat your water when you are traveling. The SteriPEN Traveler is one option that I've found to be both convenient and effective.

For additional information and a video SteriPEN Traveler review, visit

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