Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tips for Staying Warm on a Winter Camping Trip

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When camping in cold weather, the number one priority is staying warm. No matter whether you're hunting, fishing, skiing, or just enjoying the beauties of nature, all of your other goals should take a back seat to just staying warm - especially when it comes to preparation. Having appropriate gear like warm clothing, a cold-weather sleeping bag, a 4-season tent, and a good tent heater, all go without saying. But there are a few other tips that are often overlooked.

Avoid Packing Food that could Potentially Freeze
One thing you might not think of when you start packing for a trip in the wintertime or for a high altitude trip is that certain foods you might be able to take with you on a summertime trip won't cut it in the winter. This is because foods like canned goods and even eggs will freeze. You can insulate your foods if you wish, but you can also simply take along foods that won't freeze - such as freeze-dried meals or other packaged meals that you can cook in the package in boiling water that you make from melted snow.

Eat Plenty + More
Now that you know a bit more about what types of foods you can take, it's important to remember that you need to take a lot of food. While you might not be hungry all the time on a hot summer trip, your body will burn tons of calories just trying to keep warm, so pack more food than you think you'll need. This is especially true if you'll be doing activities on your camping trip like hiking or skiing that will require your body to burn even more calories.

An additional benefit, to eating hearty meals in cold weather, is that your body will actually generate more heat on its own simply through the process of digesting and metabolizing the additional calories.

Don't sleep directly on the ground or on a cot
Even if you have a four season tent and a good portable camping tent heater, you won't want to sleep directly on the floor of your tent with your sleeping bag. You also don't want to sleep on a cot, which will allow air to circulate all the way around your body, drawing out heat and making you feel even colder. Instead, invest in an insulated sleeping mat that you can roll out and put your sleeping bag on top of. Avoid those big, plush air mattresses without built-in insulation as they will simply transfer the cold temperature from the ground directly to you. A foam pad or one of the many specially designed insulated sleeping pads is what you want.

Use a Tent Heater with Built-in Safety Features
A good tent heater with built-in safety features, like the Mr. Heater Buddy heaters, will make your cold weather camping trip more comfortable. They have the integrated safety mechanisms that allow them to safely be used in enclosed spaces. Using this type of portable heater will help keep your tent warmer in the wintry weather, so you don't have to worry so much about sleeping in below-freezing nights. Make sure you know how to use your Mr. Heater tent heater before you leave, and then turn it on a few minutes before you head to bed each night so that your tent can be toasty warm while you slide into your sleeping bag.

With a good sleeping bag, a safe portable heater like a Mr. Heater tent heater, appropriate clothing, and the right food, you can continue to camp comfortably despite the changing seasons and colder temperatures.

Get more tips on staying warm in the outdoors at where you will find reviews and product comparisons of all the latest cold-weather camping tent heaters to ensure you don't have to let a little cold weather prevent you from doing what you love.

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