Monday, October 24, 2011

Key Features to Look For in a Quality Camping Tent

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People like to enjoy the outdoors in many different ways. For some, it's a weekend fishing trip by a lake with some buddies, for others it's a long hike with a partner to see something new. One thing that so many outdoor pursuits have in common is the use of a tent. Taking a weekend and setting up somewhere, shedding your modern dependencies and living away from the rest of society has a charm that cannot be recreated. When it comes to experiencing nature, camping is one of the most immersing experiences, especially when shared with friends.

Taking the right equipment with you is essential. You don't want to be stuck out in the woods, only to realise you forgot basic cooking supplies, sleeping gear or anything else that could make your stay uncomfortable. The first and foremost thing to think about is what type of tent you need.

Obviously, you need your tent to be reliable and, in case the weather doesn't go how you planned, water-proof as well; but there are some features in today's camping tents that can really make a positive difference to your weekend experience.

1. Size is the first determining feature for any tent buyer. Do you need something that you can fit in a vehicle or are you looking for something pack size that can be hiked with? Tents are rated by the number of sleeping bags that can fit inside, but consider storage space on top of that. A general rule to follow is number of users plus two. If you need a tent for two, take a tent for four.

2. Aluminium poles are more durable than fibreglass poles which have a reputation for breaking. If you're looking at a tent, check what the poles are made out of to avoid a nasty shock in the middle of the night from it suddenly collapsing. However, there is the other issue that aluminium poles do cost more.

3. The top of a tent is covered by a rainfly, which is water resistant, while the walls of a tent are usually only water repellent. A tent with a rainfly that drapes down over the edges is going to do a far better job of keeping you dry.

4. Roof and window vents are a great way to eliminate condensation during a warm night. A great feature to look for to avoid waking up amongst that horrible, humid, stale air.

5. Zippers are prone to breaking, easily ruining a tent and leaving it requiring repair that can't usually be done on a trip. Heavy duty zippers will last you longer; any good tent should feature them.

Keep these features in mind and you'll guarantee yourself a safer, smarter next camping trip!

Kiwi Camping Co. have spent over 21 years developing a unique, quality tent and camping equipment range. From large family dome and canvas tents to backpacking and tramping tents.

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